Name: Gaspare Barranca
Age: about mid-way in the journey of life
Nationality: Italian (with a hint of Swedish!)
Distinctive trait: once someone told me that I’m really courteous
Hobbies: travelling, cooking, working with my hands
Years living in Venice: going on 8!
Favourite thing about Venice: its uniqueness! Its architecture and layout
Favourite place in Venice: le Zattere
Favourite Venetian food: the Spritz?!
Favourite activity in Venice: rowing in the lagoon
Why Venice: I came here for my studies, then fell in love with the town!

Gaspare Barranca

About Me
My name is Gaspare and I am the founder of Contemporaneo.
I studied industrial and product design at the UNIPA and at IUAV University, before going on to work in a variety of jobs in the field of design, ranging from 3D modeler to graphic marketing, working for both innovative start-ups and global distribution companies.
My final experience before moving on to found Contemporaneo was an interior designer in the luxury market for a high-ranking Italian company catering to international clients, where I had to manage a lot of compelling projects.
After that I decided to take my future into my own hands!
I started this adventure into hospitality and tourism because I would like to promote home reception in a new way. My aim is to provide an exceptionally enjoyable stay in well-designed apartments. I turn to those travellers looking for something more than what is provided by traditional hotels and other touristic mass reception.
The goal was to create a place that feels like a home away from home for the guests — this is something that is an essential duty for every host in Sicily (my homeland!).
With Contemporaneo I brought a piece of the deep South straight to Venice.
My project with Contemporaneo is a long-term one, and I plan to develop it in the coming months. So, if you plan to visit the region of Venice, keep an eye on this website! There might be some interesting news here…